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Anger Management
Learning Outcomes
Welcome (4:26)
Pre Course Questionnaire
How To Use This Course
Course Download Material
Module 1 - Anger Explained
Starting Questionnaire
What Is Anger? (3:29)
7 Day Anger Diary
Responses To Anger (6:16)
Anger and Domestic Violence (12:22)
The Anger Iceberg (9:20)
Warning Signs and Triggers (7:21)
Knowledge Quiz
Module One Completion
Module Two - Thoughts Feelings and Behaviours
Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours (5:42)
Distorted Thinking (5:04)
Stress Adrenalin and Cortisol (6:53)
Constructive and Destructive Anger (1:50)
Cost of Anger (3:42)
Why We Have Anger
Two Anger Myths (4:39)
Module Conclusion
Module One and Two Homework
Anger Diary
Anger Thermometer
Mood Observations
Module Three - Strategies for Change
Recap and The Modules Ahead (1:54)
Personal Observations
Implementing Anger Management Strategies (6:56)
Connection and Anxiety (11:45)
Overcoming Barriers to Emotional Regulation (3:25)
Resolving Conflicts
12 Rules for Fighting Fair (7:19)
Knowledge Quiz
Module 4 - Implementing Change
Motivation for Change
Deep Breathing Exercises
Coping with Feelings of Shame and Guilt (5:22)
From Coping to Conquering
What It Means To Be Strong
Mastering Your Mindset (4:08)
Section Completion
Homework Module
Mood Observations
Anger Diary
Module Conclusion
Course Feedback
Course Conclusion (1:06)
Anger Thermometer
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